Our process

The LAUNCH Framework maps your journey from an idea all the way through to a successful launch of your product or startup. Within its 5 stages, there is a whole host of activities and deliverables to complete. Each stage progresses towards its specific ‘exit criteria’, which needs to be completed before we move forward to the next.

Depending on how much work you’ve already done you might need help with one or all of these stages. We assess every project individually, reviewing what you’ve done so far to make a recommendation on which activities your project requires.



Your initial vision and planning the next steps

In this stage we outline the initial vision for your project. We get clear on what success looks like, who's on the project team and bottom out the highest priority risks, assumptions, issues and dependencies that we need to be aware of.





Understanding the problem your product or venture looks to solve, its impact and ways we might solve it

The research stage is where we start to build a picture of your target customer, the industry and competitive landscape. This helps us develop the strategic plan for your route to market.

Designing the service, product and testing the solution with real stakeholders

We’re now starting to produce the solution, testing ideas with target users and using the feedback gained to iterate and improve the product. We'll also define your brand if it's a new venture.





Bringing your vision to life

We'll build your new product or venture as efficiently as possible using rapid prototyping techniques and tools. Upon launching, the real fun begins. Your solution is now with real users and we’re getting continuous feedback from them and our analytics. This lets us keep improving the proposition, establish product market fit and position for scaling.

Finding creative strategies to acquire and retain customers

Switching the focus to setting growth priorities, identifying channels for customer acquisition, measuring success, and scaling growth.

Confidence every step of the way

The LAUNCH framework is designed to constantly test the most important risks and assumptions to your business.

Experimentation enables you to gather data and feedback on what works and what doesn't work which can help you refine your approach, make better decisions, and pivot your strategy if necessary.

By experimenting, you can identify opportunities, minimise risks and optimise your chances of success.

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Market size
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Customer validation
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Concept validation
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Competitive landscape
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Technical feasibility
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Problem/solution fit
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User experience
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