Meet our founders

Rami Al-Bakri

Rami Al-Bakri

Partner and co-founder

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Rami’s spent his career helping to build innovative companies and products, managing budgets that run into tens of millions of pounds.

He’s worked with startups of all scales, from bootstrapped to decacorn and is already a three-time founder himself.

Rami’s experience includes Bumble, Tandem Bank, Dopay and EXi to name a few. Above all, he’s a fellow founder who care’s deeply about his clients and the startup ecosystem.

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Nick Byrne

Nick Byrne

Design lead and co-founder

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Nick is an experienced design lead having worked at a number of agencies and startups.

His expertise spans the core design disciplines including UX, UI and Visual design.

He specialises in jumping into new industries, building an end to end service and creating beautiful product experiences.

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Our innovation principles

A tailored approach

No two projects are the same, so we never treat them as such. This means we plan a specific route through LAUNCH based on a sensible risk based approach. That is, does completing an activity provide more value than it costs to run?

Embrace small teams

We operate with agile teams, typically between 3-7 members. This structure enables individual ownership, a thorough understanding of the project and less communication overhead. Less people, better execution, lower costs.

Short cycle times

We encourage clear and controlled cycles of work, between six to eight weeks. Within those cycles we run weekly or bi-weekly sprints. This pushes clearer thinking, more tightly scoped deliverables and laser focus of the full team - both Underdawgs and our clients.

Interact with your users

Users provide an invaluable source of insights. They help confirm what’s desirable and test key assumptions that the team and our clients have made. Users always reveal surprising needs and desires.

It’s all about learning

To innovate effectively, we must be constantly learning and evolving. Observation is not enough; finding causality is where real learning lies.

Navigate with data

Data informed decision making. It offers an objective perspective, helping us refine our strategies and optimise our execution.

Trust your instincts

Whilst using data is crucial we also believe in trusting one’s instincts. We encourage client’s to value their convictions but to simply balance them with the insights that data provides.

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