Why did you want to work with Mindlace? How was the experience been overall?

I was attracted to the strong product background of the Mindlace team. I had an understanding of the work they had completed at previous organisations and what had been delivered.

The team they’ve managed to bring in have built a very clear and detailed understanding of the niche part of our product, service and customer base that we are trying to address. These are things that can often take a lot of time to fully understand. There’s a lot of nitty-gritty detail to comprehend. The Mindlace team’s ability to uncover this has been impressive.

What’s been your favourite thing about working with the Mindlace team?

The team are very personable. They are easy to work with and not overbearing.

Once we had described the project and the top-level details, they cracked on with little management. They were able to take on board the brief and work extremely independently.

There is certainly no micro-management needed from my side which is a big positive.

Often, the outputs come back faster than we internally can deal with (a great problem to have).

Do you see a long-term partnership with Mindlace? If so, why?

We do see a long-term relationship with Mindlace. The thing that excites us most, and probably one of the main reasons we choose to work with Mindlace, is that we can prototype rapidly. We can get iterations of products and ideas extremely quickly.

There is a great process for testing the market. We can bin an idea if it doesn’t work, but if it does, we can progress products quickly.

The first version of a product never comes out perfect, meaning the team’s ability to operate quickly to mould the product to match our vision is a huge benefit of working with Mindlace.

How have we helped Helpthemove unlock more innovation?

At Help The Move we do have a strong product roadmap. However, a lot of ideas and projects have had to be overlooked due to the trajectory of the team, and the progression on the BAU side of the company.

There are a number of projects that we want to progress, but we don’t have the internal capacity to test and research them within a reasonable timeframe.

Mindlace have essentially come in as a second arm to our team, to allow us to start exploring these untouched projects much earlier than we would have been able to otherwise.