August 27, 2024

What is a Rapid Prototype?




Rapid prototyping is a crucial process in the product development lifecycle, offering a quick and cost-effective method to test and validate your product and startup ideas. This guide delves into the intricacies of rapid prototyping, its benefits, tools, and the process involved.

When you’re innovating (launching a new product, service or company) you are simply trying to answer 3 questions…

  1. Is your product desirable?
  2. Is your product feasible?
  3. Is your product viable?

*Check out our long-form blog on this here.

Rapid prototyping will answer the desirability aspect of this as it will confirm to you whether your users will love and use your product, to solve the problem you’ve chosen to solve.

What is a Rapid Prototype?

Rapid prototyping is akin to prototyping on steroids. It's a fast-paced, efficient approach to creating high-fidelity prototypes within a condensed timeline compared to a traditional approach to prototyping.

Rapid prototyping is a method that accelerates the prototyping process, swiftly transitioning your idea from the nebulous realm of thought into a functional model that you can present to potential customers and investors.

It offers swift progression through multiple rounds of feedback and iterations, thus saving time and resources. This is exactly how we worked on a recent project with ForMore. We completed 5 rounds of user interviews and made over 500 changes to our proposition within a couple of months. Each change improved the site, piece by piece.

The further down the road you go, the harder it becomes to iterate because much more work would have gone into the build.

E.g. It’s much easier to change a written feature list than it is to update designs. To go further, it’s much easier to update designs than it is to change the actual, functional product.

That’s why rapid prototyping works so well, as you get in the habit of iterating early and often, saving yourself time and money in the long run.

Note: Rapid prototyping isn't just about speed. It's fundamentally about learning fast, validating ideas quickly, and making improvements based on real feedback.

Advantages of building a Rapid Prototype

  • Cost-effective: Rapid prototyping is budget-friendly as it allows for fast iterations and a short time to launch, enabling you to discard what's not working and improve what is, thus preventing costly mistakes down the line.
  • User-Centric: It enables you to validate your assumptions with real users early in the design process, ensuring that you're building a product that genuinely meets your users' needs.
  • Risk Mitigation: By testing and validating your assumptions early, you reduce the risk of failure significantly.
  • Facilitates Investment: A well-crafted prototype can help convince investors of the potential of your idea, thus aiding in securing funds.

There are different types of prototyping…

Static Prototyping and Wireframes

This is typically the first stage of prototyping. Static Prototypes or ‘wireframes’ are the creation of a visual representation or mock-up of a product. It is not interactive or functional in any way at this stage. Instead, it's a way to visualise and communicate your ideas without building a working model.

High Fidelity, functional Prototype (we use Figma for this)

For example, if you produce a high-fidelity version that lacks user desirability, then chances are you’ve gone down the wrong route in terms of the problems you are trying to solve.

However, if the user's response to the prototype is positive, and they suggest they’d pay for it, then you have evidence to suggest you should continue. This is what we are trying to do with our first internal bet, ‘Stylemate’. By creating a High Fidelity Prototype for our new clothing idea that seeks to secure an effortless style for the busy individual, we will gain a deeper understanding of whether our product could work.

Actual MVP

A Minimum Viable Product involves building a new product with the minimum set of features necessary to satisfy early adopters. The main goal of an MVP is to quickly release a product version to the market to truly validate your underlying assumptions, gather feedback and learn from real users.

A key question remains, how well do each of these options show us how desirable our product is?

  • Whilst building a full MVP will always be the most thorough and reliable way to gain user insight (see above), it is not the only way- especially if you want to move quickly.
  • At Mindlace, we would never recommend an entrepreneur or business jump straight to an MVP, before testing some of the earlier steps that we have outlined above.

So, before spending loads of time and effort building an MVP, only to realise it’s not desirable, complete these tasks instead

Tools to build a Rapid Prototype

To get started with rapid prototyping, you need to be familiar with some of the excellent prototyping tools available in the market. Here are our top 5 recommendations:


Figma is a cloud-based vector graphics editor and prototyping tool. It boasts an extensive component library and offers gesture simulations and animations.


We use Maze to conduct User Interviews. The platform allows you to create and send usability tests within seconds, taking the user through whatever journey you are deciding to test. Typically, we use Maze for landing page tests and proposition understanding tests.


Webflow is a leading low/ no-code platform for creating marketing websites, providing an efficient way to get web design and development done quickly.


Bubble is a no-code app development platform that that lets you design and build apps without having to write any custom code. Like the other platforms we have mentioned, Bubble making app building so much faster than traditional, custom-code methods.


Mixo uses AI to generate webpages in seconds- no code or design required. This is great for quick landing page tests.

Prototype with Mindlace

The Mindlace LAUNCH framework is our end-to-end approach to innovation. It takes you from the idea stage, all the way through to the product launch and beyond. The framework outlines all the activities required to launch a successful product in the most efficient way.

That’s why within the framework, we include activities to complete each type of rapid prototyping we have discussed in this blog before we go on to build a solid MVP for either ourselves or our clients.

If you are intrigued by our unique LAUNCH framework, formed by our own innovation experts who have spent years in the startup industry, get in touch today.

We would love to help you through the product prototyping journey and help you LAUNCH your product 10x quicker than you will elsewhere.