August 27, 2024

Launch a Startup in the open: Get behind the scenes access on our wins, losses, and lessons learned

Rami Al-Bakri

Rami Al-Bakri

Follow our journey, from the highs to the lows as we launch a startup. We have nothing to hide.

Hi, I’m Rami and I’m a co-founder at Mindlace.

We’re a full service digital agency and Venture Studio. This is a quick post to let you know that we’re going to publicly launch a startup from the ground up.

That means you guys can join the journey from idea through to scaling, partnership and possibly even fundraising.

How you can follow along

Best way to follow right now is to subscribe to my YouTube channel (see video above ^ or join here). You can also connect with me or Mindlace on LinkedIn. We'll introduce a newsletter in due course.

Why launch a startup 100% in the open?

  • Aren’t we risking giving away our secret sauce, the roadmap of whatever we do build and just inviting in more competition?
  • Well, yes obviously… But we also think the pros outweigh the cons. By building fully in the open we aim to achieve a couple of key things...
  1. More trust with potential clients and venture partners
  2. We’re a bootstrapped business. We use the income generated from our client engagements to start our own internal companies.
  3. So we need an effective inbound marketing strategy. This can be one of the levers in that journey - showing potential customers that we are actually very good at what we say we are!
  4. We can also let customers self-select. Do they think from this content that we’ll be an enjoyable outfit to partner with?
  5. An audience of some of the most talented people on the planet
  6. Not everyone we work or parter with will be in the first month or even year that we start producing content.
  7. But the goal is to produce such authentic work that we stick in people’s minds and they come to us when they’re ready - as either a client or a potential co-founder of one of our ventures.

Underscoring this client and audience work is transparency. It’s a massive trust builder. So that’s why the only way to go is complete authenticity. Show the wins, show the losses. Show the often painful journey to get something from one’s imagination into reality.

The other things we get out of it:

  1. First, by inviting you in, we’ll naturally become better at analysing and improving our own processes and commercial acumen. We want to become brutally pragmatic about venture building and not get caught up in blind, wishful thinking. Grounded optimism is the spirit we’ll embody.
  2. Second, building a bloody business! It’s easy to get completely caught up in client work. We need a driver to build out own venture. So our content creation calendar becomes a flywheel for pushing us to get the work done!
  3. Third, we might even somehow find our first customers for the venture through this endeavour. Though that’s less of a goal tbh!

We'll be using our LAUNCH framework for this project. This is something that we've developed that takes startups from the ideation stage, and through to product or service launch.

Every step of the process will be documented, from the early startup ideas, to research, design and finally laying the building blocks of the company. We’ll be sharing a lot of this with you on this journey via our blog and YouTube channel.

So again, we’re going to remain completely transparent throughout. We won't sugarcoat our experiences or pretend that everything is going perfectly. Instead, we'll share our authentic experiences so hopefully others can appreciate we all go through that pain, as well as, learn from our approach, the LAUNCH framework and tools we use.

We're looking forward to going on this journey with you. Building a startup is hard. But by doing it in the open, we hope to create a community that joins us and helps us produce something pretty cool.

First things first, what should we build? What makes a good startup idea? That’s what we’ll dig into next.

... And no, we won't be building a compression algorithm and picking a fight with Hooli (if you know, you know) #RIPPiedPiper