Coming soon!

Prosper Combines Broad Investment Opportunities with Affordability

ForMore website mockup

Team lead

Rami Al-Bakri

Director & Co-Founder


1x Product Lead

1x Marketeer

1x Designer


Marketing, proposition design, copywriting, design and user research


Low code website build with custom elements, Webflow



Length of project

4 months


Prosper wanted help with identifying the right proposition for them. This proposition then needed shaping into a website narrative and design that would drive users to their investing platform. Both stages were completed by the Mindlace team.

Due to the complexity of the proposition, we carried out multiple rounds of user interviews and made hundreds of unique changes to the proposition, copy and design, along the way. We ran weekly sprint cycles and met with the CPO, CEO and the wider team regularly.

The Brief

Prosper is a new long-term savings and investment platform. It allows users to open ISAs, Stocks and Shares ISAs, pensions and more.

Prosper’s founding team are sophisticated players. The chairman is Ricky Knox and the CEO is Nick Perrett; both have broad experience across financial services and have multiple exits under their belts.

As an investing platform, Prosper can be differentiated from its competitors for charging the lowest fees possible, alongside providing a curated investing service. They provide their members access to public markets as well as private ones that otherwise, they wouldn't be able to access easily.

From day one, it was clear that the offer Prosper were presenting was meaningful.

The challenge was to clearly explain this proposition to users who may not be well-versed in investing language.

Our job was an extremely difficult one. Essentially, we were tasked with selling users a platform that offers a range of complex financial services that many of them were unfamiliar with. This meant the website had to teach, inform and persuade simultaneously.

After the feedback from our 6 rounds of user interviews, it was clear that this was achieved through both our copy and our design.

Key Problems

Fees across current investing platforms are too high.
It is difficult to access private investment opportunities for low buy-ins.
Not enough platforms offer direct access to financial professionals.

Defining Prosper's Proposition through User Insights

Due to the complex nature of Prosper’s proposition, we anticipated multiple rounds of user interviews and proposition/website iterations, before we would see consistently strong user understanding of what Prosper’s core proposition was and why it was great.

After 6 rounds of interviews and hundreds of specific changes to the proposition, the website narrative, structure, infographics, and copywriting we successfully arrived at a version of the site that every user fully understood. By this point, every user asked to join the waitlist at the end of the interview.

The website passed the qualitative stage; it will drive user acquisition. The next phase is to prove that the site drives sign-ups quantitatively.

Prosper phone mockup
Prosper website calculator

A word from the client

Envisioning Prosper's Comprehensive Marketing Approach

Next, we would continue to work with customers to understand where comprehension could be improved, running these improvements through a full A/B testing procedure.

We would also be looking to build out a multifaceted marketing approach that would encompass SEO and social media marketing, through to paid amplification across different platforms.

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