Coming soon!

Ready from day one: LoveResident’s seamless move-in experience

Love Resident Phone Mockups

Team lead

Rami Al-Bakri

Director & Co-Founder


1x Product Owner

1x Product Designer

1x Developer


End-to-End product research and design and build, performance analytics and KPI reviews


No and low code in order to rapidly prototype, five third party platform integrations, email and SMS transactional notifications.


Property technology

Length of project

From first conversation to being ready to launch - 8 Weeks


This project was an end-to-end product and design build. Post-launch, we have managed the performance analytics and conducted KPI reviews of the product along with the client. As always, we worked closely with our client when consulting about their vision. The build was entirely Mindlace led; this ownership will continue into phase 2 of the project.

The Brief

Our client is a seasoned player in the B2B property industry, helping estate agents move their tenants in and out of properties. He recognised a gap on the B2C side of that market, which would further ease the move-in process for tenants directly. From here, LoveResident was born.

The existing problems were: tenants often start a tenancy at a disadvantage, lacking immediate access to wifi and broadband from day one. What’s more, they lack the resources to check important details such as electric and gas meter readings, before moving in.

Enter LoveResident. A platform that works with the estate agent to reach out to tenants before their move to organise broadband and wifi set up in advance. While tenants can ignore this offer, those who opt-in to the service enjoy a smoother, more connected transition into their new home.

Our clients’ first goal was clear: to quickly build an MVP in order to test the desirability

This initial phase required us to develop the app, conduct two rounds of user interviews and run usability tests. We also set up a competitive broadband offer and integrated with four different network providers. All of this was completed in 8 weeks.

Key Problems

Lack access to an array of great deals at an important life moment.
Wifi and broadband is not set up for day 1.
No access to key information (such as meter readings) before move in.

From Concept to Concrete Results

After the launch of our first MVP, we successfully proved there was a demand for the product. Users were opening the site and making transactions - a win- win for both us and the client.

Our KPIs were focused on the engagement rate of those invited and the conversion rate of the offers LoveResident makes.

Love Resident Phone Mockup
Love Resident Phone Mockups

A word from the client

Having laid the foundations, we’re now focused on growth

Now a successful MVP has launched that proves our initial hypothesis, we are looking forward.

For Phase 2, we are working with our client to discuss strategic direction, and what a larger, more comprehensive product may look like. Once this is agreed and built, we are primed for rapid growth.

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